Privacy Policy

Any and all the information collected on this site will be kept strictly confidential and will never be sold, reused, rented, disclosed, or loaned to any other party! We only gather the minimal amount of information to provide you with a secure shopping experience. This information is used exclusively for ordering and for communication between Bargara Shoes and you – our valued customers. We regard email communications as confidential and private, and subject to this policy.

SSL encryption is used for your ordering and payment processing. The information passed during the ordering process is your contact details, the address you would like products delivered to and which products you are ordering. All this information is encrypted using SSL.


Visitor Analytics is a simple website analytics service which measures the traffic and visitors' general details of the customers' websites. Collecting these statistics, a website can make their visitors' experience better (e.g. which pages they visit and when, where they are approximately located, where does a user land first or if they are coming from a specific referral).

Basically, as a website owner using Visitor Analytics, we are using cookies to collect data about visitors' device type and screen size, approximate location, browser, OS, page visits, bounce rate, conversions and popular content on the website. All this data is pseudonymized and Visitor Analytics will never use the collected data to identify individual users or to match it with additional information on an individual user. Each visitor has control over the cookies placement.


Our website may use cookies. You may choose to disable cookies in your browser but this may affect your use of the site in some areas.