Bargara Shoes - A New Journey Begins
My name is Kelvin, and I am the managing director of Bargara Shoes PTY LTD, or will be as we are still in the process of changing names and ownerships. My family and I decided to leave Brisbane QLD AU for a sea change to beautiful Bargara QLD AU.
A little bit about me; I started my retail career in David Jones Ltd 2007 and progressed through the ranks Sales to Operations Manager and made the decision to leave the fantastic company after 16 years to take over this business as a new challenge and change in our family's life. My partner in crime has her own business CJade Online Pet & Equine which we moved up as well, and we have beautiful son who is adjusting to beach life quite well.
I have always wanted to start a business and I have been fortunate to have this opportunity provided by my mother-in-law.
I would like to invite you on this journey with us, so stay tuned as we start steaming ahead.